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Strategy & Analytics

RSA's Strategy and analytics services helps companies develop and implement effective strategies and make data-driven decisions. Some of these services include:

  1. Strategy development: We help companies to develop strategies that align with their goals and objectives, and position them for long-term success.

  2. Competitive analysis: We conduct research to understand a company's competitive landscape, including the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors and potential threats.

  3. Business modelling: We help companies to develop financial models to evaluate the potential financial impact of different strategies.

  4. Risk management: We help companies to identify and manage risks associated with different strategies, including legal, financial, and reputation risks.

  5. Market analysis: We conduct research to understand a company's target market, including trends, customer needs, and behaviours.

  6. Data analytics: We help companies to collect, process and analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns, trends, and insights.

  7. Predictive modelling: We assist companies in developing predictive models to forecast future outcomes, such as sales and customer behaviour.

  8. Business Intelligence: We help companies to turn data into actionable insights, by providing them with the right tools, technology and processes to collect, analyse and visualise data.

  9. Optimisation: We help companies to optimise their operations and processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase profitability.

  10. Decision-making: We help companies to make data-driven decisions to support strategic planning and tactical execution.

  11. Strategic planning: We help companies to develop long-term plans and objectives, and align them with their overall mission and vision.

  12. Benchmarking: We help companies to compare their performance against competitors and industry standards, to identify areas for improvement.

  13. Scenario planning: We assist companies in developing and evaluating different scenarios to prepare for future events, and identify potential opportunities and risks.

  14. Cost-benefit analysis: We help companies to evaluate the costs and benefits of different options and make data-driven decisions.

  15. Performance measurement: We help companies to establish performance metrics and monitoring systems to track progress and make data-driven decisions.

  16. Strategic sourcing: We help companies to identify and collaborate with suppliers to improve the quality and cost of goods and services.

  17. Supply chain analytics: We help companies to analyse data from their supply chain to identify opportunities for improvement, such as reducing lead times and increasing efficiency.

  18. Customer analytics: We help companies to analyse data from their customers to identify opportunities for improvement, such as increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  19. Portfolio optimisation: We assist companies in optimising their portfolio of products, services or projects to maximise returns and alignment with the overall strategy.

  20. Data visualisation: We help companies to visualise data in a way that makes it easy to understand and use, by creating charts, graphs, dashboards and reports.

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