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Classroom Lecture


Globally there are over 1.5 billion students with over 60 million teachers. In India there are currently over 1.5 million K-12 schools with a student base of approximately 250 million making it one of the largest in the world. 25% of these are private schools accounting for 40% of the student enrolment. The number of teachers employed in the k-12 sectors was 9.7 Million. The number of students enrolled in higher education in India was over 40 Million across over 50000 colleges and universities. There are over 5 Million teachers employed in the higher education sector where 78.6% of the colleges are run by the private sector accounting for 66.3% of the enrolments. Globally, over 5 million students migrate for education mainly to the USA, UK, Canada, China, Australia, France, Germany, Russia, Japan and Spain. Approximately 450,000 students migrated from India to study abroad in 2021 just behind China which accounted for over 800,000 students migrating.


As technology advances, the nature of jobs are getting redefined. The last decade marked the rise of disruption across all sectors and this brought to fore the lack of employable skilled workers and hence the discussion of how relevant the education system is to address the change in this rapidly metamorphosing environment. While the curriculum needs a major overhaul, the teachers too need a massive upgrade. The need to include skill based programs which involve art, craft, music, soft skills, social skills, character skills and other key life skills from an early age is an extremely important step needed to gear the youth into the next decade and beyond.

Hands Raised

K-12 & Higher Education


The right foundation brings about lasting results. Our aim is to enable future leaders and thinkers through the development of a holistic curriculum and training teachers to be able to deploy it effectively thereby improving student skills and education levels. Our method enables student learning through interactive methods with the use of technology. We also deploy tools that evaluate student abilities and track their learning and counsel them to choose the right career path. We also advise students in choosing the right colleges for their higher education and support in their education financial needs.


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Classroom Lecture

Growth Capital, Expansion & Acquisition

We are proficient not only in acquiring lands but also procuring government licenses along with design-build of the school/college/university facility.


For expansion locally & globally, we can assist in greenfield development or in acquiring operational facilities.


We also structure finance to accelerate the growth of schools/colleges in any geography.


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Student paying attention

International tie-ups and twinning programs

As the need for students to migrate abroad increases, the opportunity for local colleges is to collaborate with top international universities and setup twinning programs for both bachelor and masters education. We enable strategic tie-ups and this would benefit a large local population not just with cost savings but retaining talent locally.


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