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At the Supermarket

Consumer Products

The Consumer Products landscape has been rapidly changing over the last decade. Brands in all sectors have been kept on their toes to innovate as the new buzzword "disruption" is rife. E-commerce has changed the imagination of the consumer and their appetite for a larger selection with top quality and competitive pricing has made high street retailers work hard to change their game. 


Consumer understanding through research, competition analysis, defining the products uniqueness be it design, functionality or quality and pricing strategy are the few elements that can make or break a product. 


RSA's advisory services works with you through the entire brand and product building ecosystem.

Creative Meeting

Branding & Product Strategy

RSA identifies where your product needs to compete in the market by researching the gaps and customer needs.


We also help develop the brand right from its name onwards to its design elements, quality ethos and retail pricing strategy.


Click here to know more about our branding and product strategy

Textile Worker

Sourcing & Manufacturing Advisory

Once the product design is ready, we assist in finding the right manufacturing source or we also assist in setting up the manufacturing facility to produce the product. We assist in setting up the entire quality system and supply chain logistics of the product production including the pricing negotiations.


Click here to know more about our sourcing and manufacturing advisory

Reaching a Deal

Marketing and Financing Services

RSA helps you develop the sales and marketing strategy to enable the sale of the product through digital channels, owned/franchised retail and multi brand outlets. We also assist in the distribution channel setup in other cities and internationally. 


Growth requires capital and we can structure strategic capital, debt or equity based on the requirement. We also are proficient in structuring strategic partnerships and acquisitions.


Click here to know more about our marketing and financing services.

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