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Parking Lot


The Global Automotive manufacturing market was worth $2.86 Trillion in 2021. The electric vehicle market was $287 Billion. The electric car market is capturing a sizeable market share year on year and is poised to reach $1.3 Trillion by 2028. 


The market as a whole has metamorphosed in the last decade with several players upping their game and several losing substantial ground to new entrants. While Tesla has made a significant mark, several Chinese and Indian companies are upping the ante to compete in the electric vehicle space by producing smart products at affordable prices. 


The two wheeler market in developing countries has seen a significant rise in electric vehicles with China producing the bulk of it. In India, many startups have recently begun their journey in the two wheeler space but the opportunity lies in developing new battery technologies which will bring both dependencies and the manufacturing costs down.


Developing countries are price sensitive and in recent times with fuel prices rising and material costs increasing, the shift to electric vehicles has been a logical move as the running costs are far lower. As competition increases, the prices of vehicles will come down making a consumer shift from fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles inevitable.  

Auto Hologram

Advisory Services

The automotive industry over the last 100 years has been constantly changing. Leading brands have been on their toes innovating in engine technology, design & aesthetics and overall driving comfort. We advise our clients on â€‹gtowth strategies, business models, multi-city expansion, research & market study, business revival, organisational structures, project financing, supply chain management and enhancing profitability


Dealership Audit​


While dealerships are critical to deliver consumer satisfaction and maintaining brand image and standards, most dealerships are run by companies who have multiple business interests and hence may not be able to give 100% attention to the dealership. Our Audit services assists in fixing issues which could essentially be disgruntled employees, lack of training and product knowledge, improving consumer experience leading to more sales conversions and several other aspects critical to improving the overall dealerships performance.

Car Design


We assist our clients in raising capital to setup their manufacturing facility, buy new equipment for production, sourcing of parts and components, setting up new sales points or dealerships and service workshops.




Managing lean and agile supply chain or customer experience, technology is becoming a key differentiator to the automotive business. We integrate data and analytics into your business by applying the right technology and assist in managing the same.


Dealership Expansion


We assist in expanding dealerships into different geographies by identifying partners who can invest and operate a dealership and setup the complete service network to maintain the vehicles sold. Our property team assists in selecting ideal dealership and workshop locations and we help structure the financing needed for the same.


Strategic Alliances & Acquisitions

Strategic Alliances are crucial in a market where technology is rapidly changing. We help our clients align their interests with the best business houses in the industry through beneficial partnerships. We also help our clients make the right acquisitions to expand their market share and partner with growing brands to expand into new markets through joint ventures.


Sourcing and Manufacturing


Sourcing high quality products at the right price and managing the entire supply chain is critical to achieve great success in a manufacturing business. Our international team assists in identifying the right partners to manufacture parts of an automobile at the right price and delivered on time. We also advise on taxation, improving production efficiencies and offer smart solutions to maximise production and sales with high profitability.

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