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Scientist in Greenhouse


Agriculture is the backbone of our economy and the largest employer in the country. Food security is every governments first priority , hence the tax benefits and extensive support. Technology is rapidly changing the way food is produced. Several vertical farming methods like hydroponics, aquaponics & aeroponics are reducing the requirement of land to grow food and with new innovations being implemented, balconies & rooftops in cities are being converted into food producing real estate.


Israel has pioneered the agriculture technology revolution with their water saving techniques, use of technology to analyse weather patterns, soil data, insect infestation etc., development of bio-fertilisers which keeps the soil healthy and robotics to perform better harvest management.


The consumption of agriculture products is changing rapidly with consumers seeking a variety of organic produce, exotic greens, vegetables and fruits for their inherent health benefits. This move by the consumer to buy more organic and non-GMO food sources are increasing every day and it gives rise to various new opportunities in agriculture. Another massive opportunity in agriculture is plants which produce seeds for oil. There is a huge shortage of cooking oils and the dependence on palm oil and other food oil imports has to be reduced and this can happen if large scale growing of oil seeds takes place. Events like the Covid Pandemic can stress the supply chain and cooking oil being an extremely important food source needs a national focus to reduce external dependence.


Agriculture Land Acquisition

RSA has helped many investors and companies enter into the agriculture space by acquiring fertile agriculture lands near good water sources for them. 


Be it coffee estates, tea estates, vineyards, rubber plantations, spice and herb gardens, fruit orchards, our team will advise you every step of the way in acquiring the right land. 


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Red Tractor in Field

Farm Development & Management

Managing agriculture land and faming it is a complex business. We advice in setting up the entire operations on the ground right from soil testing and identification of the best plants to grow to setting up a team which will grow and tend to the crops on a daily basis.


We advise on the technology to be used and the method of farming for high quality, high yield produce and we also ensure that every part of the land is utilised to generate revenue.


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Smiling Person Standing In Front Of Container Yard

Domestic & International Sales

We identify the markets for you to sell your produce to achieve the best price. We have connects with leading retailers both locally and internationally and based on their specifications, we can tailor the growing of plants.


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